Friday, January 16, 2015


Blurb → 



I race to finance it.

I evade to protect it.

I kill to attain it.

I planned everything.


Except her.

The alluring, curvaceous blonde at the finish line.

With sapphire eyes that cheat and lie.

Whose powerful family murdered mine.


I hate her.

I want her.


I know she’s hiding something.

But so am I.


Release Day → January 12th, 2015


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Author bio →


New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, Pam Godwin, lives in the Midwest with her husband, their two children, and a foulmouthed parrot. When she ran away, she traveled fourteen countries across five continents, attended three universities, and married the vocalist of her favorite rock band.


Java, tobacco, and dark romance novels are her favorite indulgences, and might be considered more unhealthy than her aversion to sleeping, eating meat, and dolls with blinking eyes.


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Other books by Pam Godwin →


Dead of Eve →


Beneath the Burn →


Take the Heat →


Deliver →


Vanquish →


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1 winner will win a $50 Amazon Gift Card 


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